Frequently asked questions
Is Unipro UGENE free software?
Yes, you can use and redistribute it under the terms of GPLv2.
If you use UGENE in your work, please quote this publication:
Unipro UGENE: a unified bioinformatics toolkit
Konstantin Okonechnikov, Olga Golosova, Mikhail Fursov, the UGENE team
Bioinformatics 2012 28: 1166-1167
There is also a list of articles describing UGENE, which can be found on the
UGENE page in Wikipedia.
We will be glad if you share information about your paper citing UGENE
on the forum
or by contacting us directly.
Where can I find a list of features planned for the next release?
Check this link for the list of features planned for the next release: link
And this one for the history of releases: link
How can I request a new feature to be implemented in Unipro UGENE?
Use our public bug-tracker or contact us directly.
We can discuss the feature and include it into one of the next public releases of Unipro UGENE or develop it
for your private usage only.
Use our public bug-tracker to submit a new bug. Note that you have to be registered before you can create new issues.
Additionally you can report on UGENE forum or contact us directly.
Does Unipro UGENE works on OS X,Y,Z ?
UGENE runs on Windows 7/8/10, Linux and MacOS.
UGENE is built on top of Qt5 library and works everywhere Qt5 is available.