UGENE Features
- Creating, editing, and annotating nucleic acid and protein sequences
- Fast search in a sequence
- Multiple sequence alignment: ClustalW, ClustalO, MUSCLE, Kalign, MAFFT, T-Coffee
- PCR in silico
- Search through online databases: NCBI, PDB, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, UniProtKB/TrEMBL, DAS servers
- Local and NCBI Genbank BLAST search
- Open reading frames finder
- Restriction enzyme finder with integrated REBASE restriction enzymes list
- Integrated Primer3 package for PCR primer design
- Plasmid construction and annotation
- Cloning in silico by designing cloning vectors
- Genome mapping short reads with Bowtie, BWA, and UGENE Genome Aligner
- Raw NGS data processing
- Visualization of next-generation sequencing data (BAM files) using UGENE Assembly Browser
- Variant calling with SAMtools
- RNA-seq data analysis with Tuxedo pipeline (TopHat, Cufflinks, etc.)
- SPAdes de novo assembler
- HMMER2 and HMMER3 packages integration
- Chromatogram viewer
- Search for transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) with weight matrix and SITECON algorithms
- Search for direct, inverted, and tandem repeats in DNA sequences
- Local sequence alignment with optimized Smith-Waterman algorithm
- Building (using integrated IQ-TREE, PHYLIP Neighbor Joining, MrBayes or PhyML Maximum Likelyhood) and editing phylogenetic trees
- Combining various algorithms into custom workflows with UGENE Workflow Designer
- Contigs assembly with CAP3
- 3D Structure viewer for files in PDB and MMDB formats, anaglyph view support
- Protein secondary structure prediction with GOR IV and PSIPRED algorithms
- Constructing dotplots for nucleic acid sequences
- mRNA alignment with Spidey
- Search for a pattern of various algorithms’ results in a nucleic acid sequence with UGENE Query Designer